This couple viewed their wedding as a celebration and a joining of their two cultures, the groom from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and the bride from Israel. Guided by the couple's love of nature, we selected a symbolic flower for each - their favorite flowers, ones they felt represents them and their homes. For the bride, this was the cyclamen and for the groom, the salt spray rose.
The design process included consultation calls, draft sketches, inking and digital painting, editing, type-finding, and laying out. Using digital painting techniques enabled a fluid, iterative process with lots of room for back-and-forth until the perfect design emerged. The invitation was further amended to accommodate this couple's unique circumstance - two weddings on two different dates and in two different languages - resulting in two invitations.
The illustration was also adapted for use on name-cards accompanying three unique cocktail the couple crafted for their guests.

The original illustration for the invitations was ultimately expanded and used as the foundation for the couple's Ketubah, which today hangs in their home.