Created a modular, self-supporting entity that incorporates visual porosity.
Collaborators: Jeremiah Blacklow
Role: Designed concept and interlocking mechanism, cast plaster, assembled.
Timeline: 3 weeks

Approach: Interested in expanding assembly techniques, we wanted to design a form that was tied to its creation for its modularity. To do this, we limited the number and type of actions we could take. The first move was the cutting of a block of foam to arrived at two, perfectly interlocking forms. The second move strengthens the connection between the pieces, while the third creates openings for light. Each action affects both forms, connecting them to one another.
Conclusion: The most challenging aspects of this project were the parameters we established for ourselves. By affecting both forms with the same action, we had to think in reverse, design backwards, and cast inside-out, but we arrived at a self-necessitated system which predicts what's next.